
Death it comes and it leaves a hole, and it takes it’s toll on us. 

There are few experiences in life that hit like the death of a friend or loved one. It is finite, and that is hard to come to grips with. It is hard to see someone’s face in your mind, yet be unable to see them in person.


The aftermath of a death cuts deeper than the news of the loss itself. You slowly begin to realize the ripples created by the loss, and your heart breaks for those caught in the wake. It is interesting that “wake” is a funeral term used when you view the body before it is buried.

When you are rowing in a lake and a motor boat goes by, you get caught in it’s wake; it gets hard to paddle and you have to stop and catch your balance so that you don’t tip over. Death has that same effect it seems. It is expected to some extent, as we know that we are finite creatures; yet we find ourselves tossed in the waves when it happens, trying to stay afloat.

In an instance, a life is gone.

In an instance we find ourselves in deep reflection, and possibly receive epiphany or clarity. The course of our life, and our priorities are brought to the forefront of our minds. How do I respond? How will you respond?

My daughter asked me how the death of a friend compared to the death of my dad. I told her that each person is unique, and each death is different. Each life affects another. We are intertwined, woven into the same story of this world; and those connected to us are impacted by our actions…even our death.

To those who are hurting: If you find yourself feeling helpless, please cling to hopefulness. If you feel defeated, fight to endure. If you feel alone, embrace your relationships. Do not listen to the voice inside that tells you who you are not and what you can not handle; seek instead the voice that reminds you with every breath that you are valuable, and you are meant to be here.

To those who have lost: May peace find you; and may your tears be a pathway to beauty.


One thought on “Wake

  1. On the death of a friend, we should consider that the fates through confidence have devolved on us the task of a double living, that we have henceforth to fulfill the promise of our friend’s life also, in our own, to the world.
    H.D. Thoreau


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